1939年春,由阿尔图纳商会主席J.E. (Ted) Holtzinger convinced Ralph D. Hetzel, president of Penn State, to support an undergraduate center in 阿尔图纳. 7月, 市民委员会发起了一项活动,筹集资金翻新一座废弃的小学建筑,以容纳新的中心. 超过5美元,从8万增加到1000,在短短两个月内,就有5000名当地的捐款者——考虑到这个地区的许多人仍然失业,这是一个惊人的数字.
9月13日, 1939, 阿尔图纳本科生中心在阿尔图纳市中心的韦伯斯特小学大楼开业. The first-year class of 119 commuter students was taught by nine faculty members. 1940年,公民委员会被改组为该中心的咨询委员会. 董事会又筹集了3美元,在市中心建第二座大楼, 麦迪逊, to make room for advanced science courses.
第二次世界大战几乎迫使AUC关闭,因为男人去了战争,女人去了工作. 让中心保持开放, 顾问委员会为经营赤字提供资金,并在1944年至1947年期间为来自外地的女学生开设了一所女子宿舍.
1946年,从二战归来的老兵挤满了韦伯斯特和麦迪逊大楼,中心迫切需要更多的空间. 在筹集到50美元之后,000, the Advisory Board purchased Ivyside Park in 1947, an ab和oned thirty-eight-acre amusement park on the outskirts of the city, 为了新校园. 这个公园曾经是世界上最大的混凝土游泳池的所在地,现在是学院的停车场. Existing park buildings such as the bathhouse, a huge two-block-long dressing room, were renovated for the Center's use—hence the Center's affectionate nickname, “更衣室U.艾维赛德公园校区于1948年开放,大约有600名学生和30名教职员工.
在50年代, 阿尔图纳增加了副学士学位课程,吸引了更多的外地学生. As enrollment increased, so did funds from the community. 资金已被承诺用于建造E. 雷蒙德史密斯大楼,一个教室和行政大楼,取代了澡堂. In 1958, with the opening of the Smith Building, AUC更名为十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳校区. 7月1日, 1997, the 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 Campus became 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, a 四年 baccalaureate degree-granting college of the University.
多年来, 咨询委员会已经购买了十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校附近的土地. The Ivyside Park campus now contains 171.5 acres with more than 30 buildings centered around a reflecting pond, the original warming dam from the old Ivyside Amusement Park.
The first residence hall (Oak) 和 the Harry E. 睡眠学生中心于1964年开业. Six more buildings opened in 1970: a second residence hall (Maple), 餐厅, 图书馆, the science 和 engineering buildings, 还有小教堂, which was built entirely with privately subscribed funds. 史蒂文A. Adler Athletic Complex was built in two stages in 1972 和 1977. Five more new buildings were built during the 1980s, which essentially completed the college's physical plant. The bookstore building was completed in 1985, a third residence hall (Spruce) in 1987, 社区艺术中心和计算机与学习资源中心于1989年开放, a maintenance building was completed in 1993. The Slep Student Center was renovated during the 1995-96 academic year, 1996年夏天,阿德勒体育中心增加了一个自由举重室. 1996年春天,雪松宿舍楼和拉尔夫和海伦力量先进技术中心破土动工, both were completed in the fall of 1997.
In 1999, 学院通过租赁市中心会议中心在阿尔图纳市中心增加了它的第一个地点, 以前是剧场剧院. Managed by the continuing education 和 training office, programs 和 courses for individuals, 企业, 社区也得到了帮助. 不久之后, 整个继续教育和培训办公室搬迁到阿尔图纳市中心,会议中心于2005年被学院购买.
2001年,柏树大厦建成,现在是教师办公室和教室的所在地. Sheetz家庭健康中心于2002年开业,为学院的学生提供了一个家 卫生保健中心 和 护理学位课程.
春运体育馆, home of 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校's men's 和 women's soccer teams, was added to the college's athletic complex. 这座体育场有一个标准的足球场、一条八车道的跑道和一个2000个座位的看台.
With the purchase of l和 on Gwin Road across from the residence halls, the college again exp和ed its l和scape. The Beech House 和 the Larch House, guest houses offering temporary accommodations to special guests, 都在这个网站上.
In 2005, the college's newest classroom building celebrated its gr和 opening. 山楂楼有56间教员办公室和24间教室, including a music rehearsal room 和 three computer classrooms.
In May 2006, the Community Arts Center was renamed the Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts to recognize the philanthropy of Anthony Misciagna 和 his family.
In 2007, 学院的市中心会议中心被重新命名为德沃里斯市中心中心,以纪念当地企业家唐纳德·德沃里斯和他的妻子南希的慈善事业. 位于阿尔图纳市中心的亚伦大楼也被学院和阿尔图纳/布莱尔县发展公司收购, paving the way for the college to provide multi-campus course offerings. 在接下来的两年里, the building was renovated to include the Dining Car Downtown eatery, state-of-the-art facilities devoted to the 护理 和 通信 programs, as well as the Center for Workforce 和 Career Development.
2008年,校长洛里. 柏克德-惠利和图书馆长蒂莫西·惠利向学院赠送了一份领导礼物,以命名Eiche图书馆的研究. 同年,Wm. 丹尼斯"丹尼"斯图尔特, the college’s senior director of 业务 operations, 还有他的妻子, 戴安, provided the college with a gift to name the athletic fields.
Obtained by 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 in 2008, 研讨森林占地40英亩,横跨朱尼亚塔峡谷进入校园. 森林, previously known as the Ritchey Property, has hiking 和 mountain biking trails 和 a restored pond. The l和 has been geologically assessed, 调查其生物多样性, 研究了, 而且深受学生喜爱, 教职员工, 以及社区成员.
Formerly the WRTA radio broadcast facility in downtown 阿尔图纳, the Kazmaier Family Building opened in 2009 as the home to the college’s Development 和 校友 Relations Office, thanks to the philanthropy of John Kazmaier, 他的妻子黛德, 还有他的母亲, the late Jane Patterson Kazmaier Lower.
With the dedication of the Robert L. Smith Learning Resources Center on August 26, 2010, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校向这位已故的管理人员致敬,他为学院的发展贡献了近七十年的杰出服务.
Through the generous donation of philanthropist, 宾州州立大学毕业生, 业务man Steve Sheetz 还有他的妻子, 南希, Sheetz卓越创业中心于2011年秋季开业. 该中心的使命是在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳社区内培养创业领袖和促进成功创业.
2011年秋天, 一个梭罗小屋的复制品建在贝克巷小径脚下的研讨会森林里. 这个小木屋容纳了在森林中进行的环境研究项目. 森林是一个蓬勃发展的环境教育中心,许多教师的愿景和努力使之成为可能, 工作人员, 以及十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的学生.
In 2015, 参加ENVST 200的学生发起了“为研讨森林的火焰加油”活动,为十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳研讨森林物业的原材料购买和火坑建设费用筹集资金. One of the first crowdfunding efforts within the entire Penn State system, 该活动筹集了3美元,75名支持者中有369人.
2015年被学院收购, the Penn Building is located next to the Aaron Building in downtown 阿尔图纳. It includes classrooms, labs, offices, student lounges in support of our 会计, 业务, cybersecurity 和 analytics operations, 信息技术, 安全和风险分析程序, 轨道交通工程 programs—the only degree of its kind in the nation.
In 2017, the 阿尔图纳 LaunchBox opened in the Gables Building in Downtown 阿尔图纳. In 2018, the facility was renamed the 阿尔图纳 LaunchBox supported by the Hite family, 以表彰当地商界领袖和慈善家李海特及其家人捐赠的100万美元. In 2020, the LaunchBox was moved to the Sheetz Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence, 位于阿尔图纳市中心. 阿尔图纳LaunchBox由海特家族支持,是一个免费的创业加速器和联合办公空间,旨在为早期创业公司提供支持和资源,帮助他们建立可持续的、可扩展的业务,并制定可行的增长计划. The LaunchBox is part of the Invent Penn State initiative.